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272 ответов в этой теме

#271 FavorVictory

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Отправлено 26 November 2020 - 08:06 AM

more than 2 years of snipes we are waiting for news in skills and talents-scarecrow invisibility hail from a bullet and so on and nothing from the unification of servers more players do not come in before, but no one reads-why the thief has 3 bombs, and the snipe only has 1 mine- who is the sniper now and I do not know anymore, how can they give the thief's weapon 2% to the running speed and attack for more why hunt and magicians play norms to the North and the rest, you need to make a group so as not to die faster-dull cards from the north nobody does not buy them - in duel the snipe has a small chance for victory - because thanks to the developers who made the attack and the defense is weak in the sniper, that's the truth - why were there more people before 2 years ago? nao update-new location where is the player to play norms himself for to myself and not to run out of fear so as not to die faster, now sales and from the Stalker guild are looking for people-again I will say more players want to play for themselves and not in a group or in a guild-guild I just put trophies and gear inside I want everything myself do the same don't blame us when n Ishem the truth - go into the game and see the inscription I'm looking for people for the guild, no one wants to, or give me 50 to please ?????? you think that I am 1 player and nothing more nooooo ..... the truth is still a long way to find out who I am and why I am giving you advice-think a little what needs to be done so that more players will enter the game again.


хайль фром э буллет

#272 DancingTundra

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Отправлено 26 November 2020 - 10:54 AM

Зе трус из стилл э лонг вей ту файнд аут ху ай эм

#273 Filich76


    это а5 йа

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Отправлено 27 November 2020 - 20:10 PM

Чья тут полторашка пустая валяется?

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